“92 kodları” olarak bilinen sayısal kodlar, 1800’lü yılların ortalarında kullanılmaya başlanan ve mors kodu ile telgraf haberleşmesinde kolaylık sağlayan çeşitli karşılıkları olan kodlardır. Bu kodlar ilk olarak 1957’de National Telegraphic Review and Operators’ Guide‘de yer alıp ardından 1859’da Western Union firması tarafından “92 code” yürürlülüğe konmuştur.1, 2, 3 İlerleyen tarihlerde de benzer kodları kullanan ve farklı veya aynı anlamlara gelen farklı kod sistemleri de kullanılmıştır fakat günümüzde en yaygın kullanılanları “92 code” veya “wire signals” kodlarıdır. Günümüzde telgrafın haricinde CW gibi mors kodu ile haberleşilen telsiz haberleşmelerinde veya sesli haberleşmede rakamlar söylenerek de kullanılmaktadır. Özellikle amatör telsizcilikte sesli iletişimde 73, 88 kodları sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır.

Amatör Telsizcilikte Sık Kullanılan Bazı Sayısal Kodların Türkçe Anlamları:

  • 73: En iyi dileklerimle. (Genelde çağrı sonunda kullanılır.)
  • 88: Aşk ve öpücükler. (Genelde çağrı sonunda daha çok kadın operatörler için kullanılır.)

“92 Code” Kodları ve Anlamları:

Bu konuda asıl kaynağa ulaşamadık. Kodlar internet kaynaklarından (1) alınmış olup doğruluğu kesin değildir.

1Wait a minute.
2Very Important.
3What time is it? 
4Where shall I go ahead? 
5Have you business for me? 
6I am ready .
7Are you ready? 
8Close your key, stop breaking.
9Priority business. Wire Chief’s call.
10Keep this circuit closed.
12Do you understand?
13I understand.
14What is the weather?
15For you and others to copy.
17Lightning here.
18What’s the trouble?
19Form 19 train order.
21Stop for meal.
22Wire test.
23All stations copy.
24Repeat this back.
25Busy on another wire.
26Put on ground wire.
27Priority, very important.
28Do you get my writting?.
29Private, deliver in sealed envelope.
30No more – the end.
31Form 31 train order.
32I understand that I am to ….
33Answer is paid.
34Message for all officiers.
35You may use my signal to answer this.
37Inform all interested.
39Important, with priority on thru wire.
44Answer promptly by wire.
73Best regards.
77I have a message for you.
88Love and kisses.
91Superintendent’s signal.
92Deliver promptly.
134Who is at the key?

“Wire Signals” Kodları ve Anlamları:

(The Telegraph Instructor by G. M. Dodge, 1921)

2Very important.
4Where shall I go ahead?
8Close your key and stop breaking.
9Calling for train orders.
18What’s the trouble?
19Train order.
22Busy on another wire.
25Busy on another wire.
31Train order.
73Best regards.

Not: Bazı diğer kodlar farklı demiryolları tarafından kullanılmıştır. mesela “47” bazı demiryollarında “display signals”, “48” “signals are displayed” anlamına gelebilir. Farklı kurumlarca “9” ve “12” genellikle “correct” anlamında kullanılmıştır.

Lakeshore and Tuscarawas Valley Demiryolu Şirketi Kodları ve Anlamları:

(Lakeshore and Tuscarawas Valley Telegraph Rules, 1873)

1Wait a minute.
2Train Orders.
3Give me correct time.
4Where sball I go ahead.
5Have you anything for me?
7I have a message for you.
8What is the matter?
9Very important business; must take precedence.
10Keep circuit closed.
12How do you understand this?
13I (or we) understand—
15Inform ali interested.
19Ready for business.
20Repeat this back to me.
21Lightning troubles.
22Busy on other circuit.
23Have you report of—
24My Instrument works badly.
25Do you get my writing?
44Answer quick.
134Who is at the key?

“Telegraphic Numerals” Kodları ve Anlamları:

(Wood’s Plan of Telegraphic Instruction, 1864)

1Wait a moment.
2Give precise standard time.
3Get immediate answer from _ .
4Where shall I go ahead ?
5Keep Still.
6I am ready.
7Don’t know.
8Busy on other line.
9Get answer, sure, and quick
10Has _ train reached your station ?
11Did you get my last ?
12What time did _ train leave your station ?
13Report when _ train leaves your station.
14Write more firmly.
15Separate words more.
16What is the weather ?
17Very Important – Hurry Up.
18What is the trouble ?
19How many cars has _ train ?
20I will see.
21Collect special messenger’s charges for delivery, which are guaranteed.
22Paid here.
23Message for all offices.
24Have you anything for me ?
25Write dots.
26Write alphabet.
27Take off ground wire.
28Do you get me ?
29Report special messenger’s charges, to be paid here.
31How do you understand my last message ?
32I understand that _ .
33Deliver this only to whom addressed.
34If statement ready, go ahead.
35Connect wires through straight.
36Requires correspondent to prepay answer.
37If correspondent will not prepay answer it will be paid here.
43Answer will be paid here
73Compliments to _ .

Henüz Kaynaklarını Bulamadığımız veya Resmi Olmayan Kodlar ve Anlamları:

93Vice President and General Manager’s signals.
95President’s signal.
99Get lost.

Ayrıca Bakınız:

Ana Kaynaklar:

  • 1: Internet Archive’de arşivlendi: https://web.archive.org/web/20230728233509/http://www.civilwarsignals.org/pages/tele/wurules1866/92code.html
  • 2: Internet Archive’de arşivlendi: https://web.archive.org/web/20230729011934/https://ac6v.com/73.php
  • 3: Internet Archive’de arşivlendi: https://web.archive.org/web/20230729014916/https://www.paara.org/pages/res-glossary.html
  • The Telegraph Instructor by G. M. Dodge Seventh and Revised Edition 1921.
  • Lakeshore and Tuscarawas Valley Telegraph Rules, Adopted October 1, 1873.
  • Wood’s Plan of Telegraphic Instruction, 1864, Reproduced here by: The Signal Corps Association 1860 ~1865. http://www.civilwarsignals.org/

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